Head over to 1989Batman.com for a new video feature-
Entertainment Tonight "Bat-Merchandise" Segment
Sunday, February 26, 2012
UK MOTU Comic Issue 47!
Head on over to MOTUCFigures.com and check out issue #47 of the UK MOTU Comic!
UK Masters Of The Universe Comic Issue 47
UK Masters Of The Universe Comic Issue 47

Original Art!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for the latest original comic art posting!
Original Art: MOTUC Mini-Comic #2!
Original Art: MOTUC Mini-Comic #2!

"Fan Art Fridays"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for more info on last Friday's "Fan Art Fridays" posting...
Fan Art Fridays: Fisto
Fan Art Fridays: Fisto

Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for another batch of Filmation She-Ra Model sheets!
Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets: Leech
Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets: Leech

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Action Features Podcast Episode 5:
The One We Were Supposed To Call “The One With 2 Bronsons”
What do we have here? Episode 5 of Action Features? Sweet. In this episode, Mike & James throw a bunch of stuff in a bowl and make a podcast stew. They talk about things like bad movies, problems with Mattycollector.com, ratings on Amazon, and Perfect Strangers. As an added bonus, and old friend makes a surprise appearance on the show. So grab your headphones and get ready to treat your ears to a heaping helping of Action Features.
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Flash Version:
Wun-Dar Review!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for new pictures and a video spotlight on Wun-Dar!
Wun-Dar, The Savage He-Man
Wun-Dar, The Savage He-Man

Thoughts On Spector!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for an editorial all about "The Mighty Spector"!
"How Spector Got His Groove Back"... Or "Honey, I Shrunk The Resentment!"
"How Spector Got His Groove Back"... Or "Honey, I Shrunk The Resentment!"

"Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket"
Here are links to the latest "Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket" battles over at MOTUCFigures.com...
Grizzlor Vs. King Grayskull (Reissue Version)
Tytus Vs. King Grayskull (SDCC Version)
Man-E-Faces Vs. Battle Armor Faker
Grizzlor Vs. King Grayskull (Reissue Version)
Tytus Vs. King Grayskull (SDCC Version)
Man-E-Faces Vs. Battle Armor Faker

"Fan Art Fridays"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for more info on last Friday's "Fan Art Fridays" posting...
Fan Art Fridays: Gray!
Fan Art Fridays: Gray!

Original Art!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for the latest original comic art posting!
Original Art: The Ordeal Of Man-E-Faces!
Original Art: The Ordeal Of Man-E-Faces!

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Action Features Podcast Episode 4:
The One With Cooler Ranch
In Episode 4 of Action Features, Mike & James discuss Toy Fair 2012 and all of its action figure goodness (and badness). We also get an update from James on his viewing of Star Wars Episode I in 3-D! Oh, and Mike eats some Doritos. Enjoy!
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Flash Version:
"Ask Matty" February 15th, 2012
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for the February 15th, 2012 installment of "Ask Matty"!
"Ask Matty" February 15th, 2012
"Ask Matty" February 15th, 2012

UK MOTU Adventure Comic Issue 1!
Head on over to MOTUCFigures.com and check out issue #1 of the UK MOTU Adventure Comic!
UK Masters Of The Universe Adventure Issue 1
UK Masters Of The Universe Adventure Issue 1

"Fan Art Fridays"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for more info on last Friday's "Fan Art Fridays" posting...
Fan Art Fridays: Trap Jaw At Snake Mountain
Fan Art Fridays: Trap Jaw At Snake Mountain

Thursday, February 9, 2012
Action Features Podcast Episode 3:
The One Where James Sneaks AND Peeks
Episode 3 of Action Features brings the first of what will probably be many "Top Five" lists from Mike & James- The top five cartoon theme songs of their childhood. Also in this episode, the boys reflect on some current comic news and share a couple of video game stories from their youth... including a dark secret that James has never shared before. So get your ears ready. It's time for Action Features.
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Flash Version:
Moss Man Review!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for new pictures and a video spotlight on Moss Man!
Moss Man, Heroic Spy And Master Of Camouflage
Moss Man, Heroic Spy And Master Of Camouflage

"Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for another installment of "The Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket"!
Man-At-Arms Vs. Snout Spout
Man-At-Arms Vs. Snout Spout
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Castle Grayskull Stands Review!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for new pictures and a video spotlight on the Castle Grayskull Stands!
Castle Grayskull Stands Review
Castle Grayskull Stands Review

"Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for another installment of "The Ultimate Battleground Battle Bracket"!
He-Man Vs. Hordak
He-Man Vs. Hordak

Monday, February 6, 2012
Custom Corner:
The Phantom
By Nate Bauer
Nate Bauer from Hazard Publishing shares with us his booty-kicking rendition of "The Ghost Who Walks" in today's Custom Corner! Take it away Nate...
This Phantom custom kinda started from my friend lending me a few Phantom comics by Dynamite a while back – rekindling my interest in "The Ghost Who Walks". I've always liked the character, the idea of a centuries old lineage of men, all dawning the Phantom's costume, and of course, any character that belts on a couple .45's is cool in my book. But, even when the most recent movie came out in '96, there still weren't any good Phantom figures out there – so I decided to make my own.
The base I used is a "Captain America" from the recent movie line. I had to do some basic smoothing of some of his costume in areas, but really this is a paint job more than anything. Good figure, good scale and came with all the right accessories. Just looking at him in the store I could tell it wasn't too far of a stretch to turn him into a Phantom.
And to protect him from the elements ("elements" being the sawdust in my work shop) I made a box with some character information and art.

Nate also sent along a pic of some custom packaging he whipped up for a Hasbro Indian Jones figure. Very cool!
This Phantom custom kinda started from my friend lending me a few Phantom comics by Dynamite a while back – rekindling my interest in "The Ghost Who Walks". I've always liked the character, the idea of a centuries old lineage of men, all dawning the Phantom's costume, and of course, any character that belts on a couple .45's is cool in my book. But, even when the most recent movie came out in '96, there still weren't any good Phantom figures out there – so I decided to make my own.
The base I used is a "Captain America" from the recent movie line. I had to do some basic smoothing of some of his costume in areas, but really this is a paint job more than anything. Good figure, good scale and came with all the right accessories. Just looking at him in the store I could tell it wasn't too far of a stretch to turn him into a Phantom.
And to protect him from the elements ("elements" being the sawdust in my work shop) I made a box with some character information and art.

Nate also sent along a pic of some custom packaging he whipped up for a Hasbro Indian Jones figure. Very cool!

Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for another batch of Filmation She-Ra Model sheets!
Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets: Mantenna
Filmation She-Ra Model Sheets: Mantenna

UK MOTU Comic Issue 46!
Head on over to MOTUCFigures.com and check out issue #46 of the UK MOTU Comic!
UK Masters Of The Universe Comic Issue 46
UK Masters Of The Universe Comic Issue 46

Friday, February 3, 2012
Action Features Podcast Episode 2:
The One Where Mike Cries Wolf
In Episode 2 of Action Features, Mike & James address some viewer comments, share some terrible toy-buying decisions of their youth, and give their thoughts on some current film & toy news. Oh- And Mike doesn't fight a wolf... but he does offer some sound advice for anyone who might! Enjoy!
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Flash Version:
HTML Version:
Flash Version:
"Fan Art Fridays"
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for more info on today's "Fan Art Fridays" posting...
Fan Art Fridays: "The Evil Horde Rule..."
Fan Art Fridays: "The Evil Horde Rule..."

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Movie Review-
"The Grey"
Mike reviews "The Grey"... Warning- Minor Spoilers Ahead!
"Getting real about 'The Grey'"
Before I get into the review, let me first say a little something about art in the form of story/film. The most successful stories have been those where the main character becomes more than the mortal he was at the beginning. He becomes a hero. This is why men associate themselves with the likes of Indiana Jones, John McClain, Batman, Captain Kirk, etc. There is something that speaks to the core of a man about triumph, about overcoming the odds, whatever they may be. How many young men grew up to be detectives because of Dirty Harry movies? We associate with these larger-than-life characters because as we watch we're thinking "What would I do in that situation?". And the hero does what we want to believe we can do. There is something to aspire to, even if the end result is beyond reasonable reach. All of this resonates within my being, and played in the back of my mind as I went to see this movie that was sure to leave me feeling like I could take on the world (or a few wolves with bad attitudes).
When I first saw the teaser trailer, I was floored. A movie like this only comes out every once in a great while. The last one I can think of is 'The Edge' back in 1997. As much as I like sci-fi and straight-up action movies (complete with one-liners), nothing has as much impact on me as a down-to earth survival film. Man vs. the elements. The trailer promised breathtaking landscapes, adventure, ingenuity, and Liam Neeson being as tough as he's ever been on screen. And little, if any, in-yo-face CGI. I can't tell you how pumped I was for this film.
So the day finally came. I arranged to go with my friend, who had similar expectations as I did. And... we were both let down, to put it plainly. I remember saying to another friend, "I don't see how they can ruin this movie!" The landscapes, and adventure were there, for sure. But a key element was missing. I'll get to that shortly. First, a couple snags for me, with the film.
1. I noticed right away the language used. I know, I know. Some of you are rolling your eyes right now. I can assure you I'm no prude. But the older I get, the more I truly feel that it really is just lazy writing. I know the main cast is a bunch of tough oil pipeline workers. I get it. They're rough around the edges. I get it. There are many other ways to portray that, and it has been done successfully over decades of cinema. If every other word (literally) is "The F-Word", it loses a lot of its punch. So when the word is actually appropriate, it doesn't have the desired impact. Its lost in a sea of more of the same. It is used quite unnecessarily in this film, and would have benefited greatly from holding back a bit.
2. Some shaky camera work during the slim amount of actual fights with wolves left me unsatisfied.
3. SPOILER!: A possible change for the main character, Ottway, blatantly, intentionally does not happen. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, of course, but mine being what they are, my heart sank a bit as he finally offers God the chance to come through, and when not immediately responded to within 30 seconds, voices that he'll do it himself. One more downer for the audience. Some character arc is desirable, and the movie at this point seeks to strip away all hope, mostly succeeding.
Those are some minor problems, really. The biggest problem is one that develops as the movie goes on, and alters the entire mood of the film. If you saw the teaser trailer, or any of the other subsequent trailers, you know what peaked your interest. Its the same thing that peaked mine, and its what I spoke of at the beginning. You want to see the main character, down to nothing but a knife and broken bottles to hopefully even the playing field with the ferocious adversaries. That's what was promised! And I believe they knew they were luring an audience with that promise. As tough as Liam ('Ottway', in the film) was in the movie, he doesn't get to being the last man standing until just about the end. Then you think, "Now here we go!". But you're wrong to think that, because here we don't go. Most of his time on his own is spent sulking and lamenting his situation. Finally the showdown is about to take place, and.... it doesn't happen. Or does it? We don't know because its a cliffhanger ending. So the main reason you want to see the movie (I speak for myself, but I know I'm not alone), isn't in the movie. Nate and I left the theater, not with the elated feeling of triumph, but with very heavy hearts, and a sober outlook for the drive back home. Neither of us really knew what to say. (Head over to hazardpublishing.com for Nate's thoughts on the film).
But.... BUT.... having been almost a week since the viewing, I want to see it again. For some reason, the film is haunting me. It raises some heavy questions, and I can't shake the feeling. The scene where Ottway is getting ready for battle, taping bottles and a knife to his hands, getting ready to go full-tilt "into the frey", is beautifully juxtaposed not with tension-building adventure music, but with a very emotional and somber piece of film score. That moment alone made quite an impression on me. Liam's performance, in my humble opinion, was top-notch, and everything was filmed well. The movie was very realistic. Almost too realistic in some cases. Had I been expecting something else, I would have enjoyed it more the first time around. But the residue the film has left me with leads me to believe that its one that will grow on me more in the near future. Its a brilliant piece of work, but I believe it was misrepresented. There are a number of things that were in the teaser trailer that I know got cut from the film, so there are some choice bits that were left out. One can only hope for an extended edition director's cut on DVD.
Now for the grade (on a scale of 1-5 for each category):
Visual Appeal: 5
Soundtrack: 3
Believability: 5
Action: 4
Use of Humor: 2
Special Effects: 4
Weapons used: 3
Tension: 4
Acting: 5
Novelty: 4
Total: 39 out of possible 50
With all that said, I recommend seeing the film, but I recommend not looking for an action/adventure movie that strikes those triumphant chords in your soul.
"Getting real about 'The Grey'"
Before I get into the review, let me first say a little something about art in the form of story/film. The most successful stories have been those where the main character becomes more than the mortal he was at the beginning. He becomes a hero. This is why men associate themselves with the likes of Indiana Jones, John McClain, Batman, Captain Kirk, etc. There is something that speaks to the core of a man about triumph, about overcoming the odds, whatever they may be. How many young men grew up to be detectives because of Dirty Harry movies? We associate with these larger-than-life characters because as we watch we're thinking "What would I do in that situation?". And the hero does what we want to believe we can do. There is something to aspire to, even if the end result is beyond reasonable reach. All of this resonates within my being, and played in the back of my mind as I went to see this movie that was sure to leave me feeling like I could take on the world (or a few wolves with bad attitudes).
When I first saw the teaser trailer, I was floored. A movie like this only comes out every once in a great while. The last one I can think of is 'The Edge' back in 1997. As much as I like sci-fi and straight-up action movies (complete with one-liners), nothing has as much impact on me as a down-to earth survival film. Man vs. the elements. The trailer promised breathtaking landscapes, adventure, ingenuity, and Liam Neeson being as tough as he's ever been on screen. And little, if any, in-yo-face CGI. I can't tell you how pumped I was for this film.
So the day finally came. I arranged to go with my friend, who had similar expectations as I did. And... we were both let down, to put it plainly. I remember saying to another friend, "I don't see how they can ruin this movie!" The landscapes, and adventure were there, for sure. But a key element was missing. I'll get to that shortly. First, a couple snags for me, with the film.
1. I noticed right away the language used. I know, I know. Some of you are rolling your eyes right now. I can assure you I'm no prude. But the older I get, the more I truly feel that it really is just lazy writing. I know the main cast is a bunch of tough oil pipeline workers. I get it. They're rough around the edges. I get it. There are many other ways to portray that, and it has been done successfully over decades of cinema. If every other word (literally) is "The F-Word", it loses a lot of its punch. So when the word is actually appropriate, it doesn't have the desired impact. Its lost in a sea of more of the same. It is used quite unnecessarily in this film, and would have benefited greatly from holding back a bit.
2. Some shaky camera work during the slim amount of actual fights with wolves left me unsatisfied.
3. SPOILER!: A possible change for the main character, Ottway, blatantly, intentionally does not happen. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, of course, but mine being what they are, my heart sank a bit as he finally offers God the chance to come through, and when not immediately responded to within 30 seconds, voices that he'll do it himself. One more downer for the audience. Some character arc is desirable, and the movie at this point seeks to strip away all hope, mostly succeeding.
Those are some minor problems, really. The biggest problem is one that develops as the movie goes on, and alters the entire mood of the film. If you saw the teaser trailer, or any of the other subsequent trailers, you know what peaked your interest. Its the same thing that peaked mine, and its what I spoke of at the beginning. You want to see the main character, down to nothing but a knife and broken bottles to hopefully even the playing field with the ferocious adversaries. That's what was promised! And I believe they knew they were luring an audience with that promise. As tough as Liam ('Ottway', in the film) was in the movie, he doesn't get to being the last man standing until just about the end. Then you think, "Now here we go!". But you're wrong to think that, because here we don't go. Most of his time on his own is spent sulking and lamenting his situation. Finally the showdown is about to take place, and.... it doesn't happen. Or does it? We don't know because its a cliffhanger ending. So the main reason you want to see the movie (I speak for myself, but I know I'm not alone), isn't in the movie. Nate and I left the theater, not with the elated feeling of triumph, but with very heavy hearts, and a sober outlook for the drive back home. Neither of us really knew what to say. (Head over to hazardpublishing.com for Nate's thoughts on the film).
But.... BUT.... having been almost a week since the viewing, I want to see it again. For some reason, the film is haunting me. It raises some heavy questions, and I can't shake the feeling. The scene where Ottway is getting ready for battle, taping bottles and a knife to his hands, getting ready to go full-tilt "into the frey", is beautifully juxtaposed not with tension-building adventure music, but with a very emotional and somber piece of film score. That moment alone made quite an impression on me. Liam's performance, in my humble opinion, was top-notch, and everything was filmed well. The movie was very realistic. Almost too realistic in some cases. Had I been expecting something else, I would have enjoyed it more the first time around. But the residue the film has left me with leads me to believe that its one that will grow on me more in the near future. Its a brilliant piece of work, but I believe it was misrepresented. There are a number of things that were in the teaser trailer that I know got cut from the film, so there are some choice bits that were left out. One can only hope for an extended edition director's cut on DVD.
Now for the grade (on a scale of 1-5 for each category):
Visual Appeal: 5
Soundtrack: 3
Believability: 5
Action: 4
Use of Humor: 2
Special Effects: 4
Weapons used: 3
Tension: 4
Acting: 5
Novelty: 4
Total: 39 out of possible 50
With all that said, I recommend seeing the film, but I recommend not looking for an action/adventure movie that strikes those triumphant chords in your soul.
Spy Monkey Armory
Series 1 Review!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for new pictures and a video spotlight on the Spy Monkey Creations Armory Series 1 weapons sets!
Spy Monkey Creations Armory Series 1 (Bloodlust & Venom Versions)
Spy Monkey Creations Armory Series 1 (Bloodlust & Venom Versions)

Star Sisters Review!
Head over to MOTUCFigures.com for new pictures and a video spotlight on the Star Sisters!
Star Sisters: Starla, Tallstar, Jewelstar
Star Sisters: Starla, Tallstar, Jewelstar

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