'Jack Reacher' didn't do great at the box office, but I liked it a lot, and so the custom figure was a no-brainer. I had the ingredients laying around. I started with Hasbro's Logan body from the Wolverine movie. I trimmed the bottom of the jeans (as they were flared out quite a bit), and gave him a button down shirt with a little sculpy. Then I switched out the boots with a pair donated from an Elite Force paratrooper. Then the hard part: the head. As good fortune would have it, I came across this Bruce Banner head from the Hulk movie figure several years back. You know, the one with the gamma chamber... Anyway, it looked remarkably close to Tom Cruise (close enough for the scale), and so after some removal of his hair, I resculpted the hair, stripped and repainted the face and BOO-BAM!... it all came together. Some custom packaging seals the deal. Oh, and I used some hands from the A-Team Faceman that got removed for that 'Taken' custom. With the exception of printing and mounting, all of the actual work was done in one night.