Monday, November 18, 2013

Action Features Podcast Episode 50:
The One With 49 Other Episodes Crammed Into It

Holy cow! Action Features turns nifty-fifty! Time to celebrate. And what better way to celebrate than by taking a trip down memory lane... That's right- It's a clip show. Re-live the best moments of the first 49 episodes of Action Features in this hour-long special! I won't keep you from it any longer... Go listen now!

HTML Version:

(Podbean no longer offers a Flash version... If HTML doesn't work, please try searching for the show on itunes.)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Comics Weekend Review:
November 5, 2013

This episode features our thoughts on:

Batman- Under the Red Hood
Batman- Year One

Monday, November 4, 2013

Custom Corner:
Mayoral Mayhem Penguin
Created By Matthew Hackley

A shared post with! My friend and action figure customizer extraordinaire Matthew Hackley brings his immense talent to Kenner's Dark Knight Collection & Batman Returns lines! Fixing a few of the old mistakes, and adding new character to both lines... All in classic Kenner style!

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Video Spotlight:

Pictorial Review:

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To contact Matthew about your own custome figure needs, you can check out his site Cardinal Sin Customs, or e-mail him at :)